Monday, June 13, 2011


Hey guys! It's been such a long while since I last touched this blog. There's a major overgrowth of mushrooms around here.  Sure I can come up with excuses saying how busy I was with school and work that I didn't have time to update my blog but in the end of the day we all know that it was simply laziness.  Really.
Anyways, I have a 3 months worth of holidays so I thought it's time I brought this place back to life.  I'm QUITE sure somewhere along that line it will die again but hahaha it's worth a shot.  So..

There you go! I'm back!

Right. Firstly, some updates! There's been so much going on in the past few months that I don't know where to start.  I guess I'll start with uni life. I have never been this busy with assignments and homework. Got hammered repeatedly with assignments, lab reports, and tutorials (seriously I don't even know why they bother giving them different names cause they're all the same to me).  But you know, it's not all that bad.  WE uni students just love to brag about how much work we have to the high school students and make ourselves sound so awesome and stuff hahahaha.  Anyway, I'm just mighty glad that I had great friends(who repeatedly occasionally saved my butt from all sorts of things like reminding me of assignments I never knew existed) to help me through this semester and can't wait to see what the next has in store. Just in case you didn't know, most of my friends are high achievers so when you hang out with these people, some of their 'high-achievingnesss' kinda just rubs off  on you.

Now putting uni aside, God's been teaching me quite a lot of things lately.  I guess something I never really knew about myself was that I was quite an insecure person. Yeah. Hate to admit it, but I guess that's true. Insecure about my worth, insecure about my relationships with others. Including my relationship with God.  Thankfully, He knows the ways to our hearts and how to deal with me.  He's been teaching me that I'm a PRINCE. That I'm worth much more than I know, and as a matter of fact more than anyone knows.  I guess I'll talk about this in another post once I piece together my thoughts. hahahaha. Point is, He is good. Amen?

So it's the holidays. Gotta try to figure out what to do with it. Hopefully it's gonna be exciting and productive.  Firstly, it's time to catch up with long lost friends and hopefully through that touch their lives somehow. hahaha. More to come soon!

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